Saturday, September 12, 2020

Where Else Do You Experience Limits, And What More Can I Do

Where Else Do You Experience Limits, and What More Can I Do? Daniel Cukier on Flickr It is said that how you do one thing is how you do everything. I first heard this from T Harv Eker. I personally have found many exceptions to this rule in terms of “everything”, but this insight has proven helpful in helping my clients. For instance, if a client had yet to reach their full potential on the job, it could be because they had yet to have the opportunity to apply an innate strength. So while they may not have been approaching their job and their career by using their strengths, I can look for clues into their personal life and projects to see what their strengths are, and how they can start applying them to their job and career to bring them to the next level. I can also look at other realms of their lives where they have not achieved their ideal vision and get clues as to what could be holding them back in their career. For instance, if a client has not yet found love because they have a distrust of other people. Does that distrust of other people lead them to not delegate what needs to be delegated at work? Does it impact their leadership abilities or relationships with their boss and coworkers? If someone has a low number of connections on LinkedIn and claims to not have a rich network, a reason has been that they had a low level of self-importance and figured people would not want to connect with them. This same low level of self-importance can also hold them back from pursuing promotional opportunities. Many of my coaches have taught me that we, as coaches, have to stand for other people’s transformation when they won’t, because it is truly what they want when they come to us, and what holds them back from investing in themselves is what will keep them from reaching their goal. I have had two types of coaches give this advice; one encourages employing coercive sales tactics, but even if I want to stand for people’s transformation, I can’t bring myself to fight against someone’s will. It’s not in my nature and hasn’t had a good outcome for me. Other coaches have helped me understand that I need to make my offer of help a no-brainer â€" affordable, flexible payment plans, tons of bonuses, free stuff, and money back guarantees. This makes so much more sense to me, but even though this is what I’m offering, and I know people desperately want to land quickly in a job that makes them feel alive, appreciated, and well-paid, I am surprised at how few people watched the free module of my group coaching program that I offered (and am still offering until the group is full â€" I have received some really great feedback on the free module, and people have expressed how much they want in, but have yet to pull the trigger. While I know that what is holding them back is most likely the thing that is holding them back in other areas of their lives, and as a result of going through this program, they will gain new awareness and tools to not let that stop them anymore, I have to take accountability â€" there’s something I failed to get across, something I failed to communicate, something I failed to offer. Help me out ­â€" If you truly desire some kind of improvement in your career, what is stopping you from taking the first step of watching every module, and also taking the steps after that, which I have made as simple, easy, and fun as possible, requiring a lot less of your time than a conventional job search. From my perspective, I have removed all possible objections that you might have to creating that change. What am I missing? Why have you not acted yet?   Please comment or private message me. Foo Fighters’ official music video for ‘Best Of You’. Click to listen to Foo Fighters on Spotify: As featured on Greatest Hits.

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